Maurice Joly
1978 Recipient of the Jean-Leonard-Marie Poiseuille Award
Pioneering Contributions to the rheology of proteins and Biological Surfaces |
During the Third International Congress of Biorheology, Maurice Joly
was awarded the Poiseuille Gold Medal for his pioneering contributions
to the rheology of proteins and biological surfaces and he gave the Poiseuille
Award Lecture entitled "Biorheology, an Agent of Scientific Progress".
This lecture described the study of the rheological properties of living
systems and of their constitutive parts, of organized systems exracted
from living
systems, or of models of biological media. His particular topics cover
a wide
area of biorheology such as surface rheology, structures and interactions
in mono layers, streaming bire fringence, rheology and rheo-optics of
solutions, physio-chemical and structural approach to the denaturation
of proteins,
trasformations in biopolymers, molecular inteactions between
nucleic acids and proteins, pregelification of reversible gels, structural
changes induced by flow in monolayers and colloidal systems, rheoturbidity,
and dissociation induced by flow, interpretation of the rheological
properties with regard to molecular interactions, and rheological behaviour
of blood in transient flow.